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Report the sale of your property to HMRC
Check your answers
Personal Information
(Owner 1)
< AMEND Personal Information
First name
Last name
Correspondence Address
National Insurance Number
Did you file a self-assessment?
Phone Number
Unique Tax Reference Number
Were you a UK resident when you sold the property?
What was your country of residence when the property was sold?
Personal Information
(Owner 2)
First name
Last name
Correspondence Address
National Insurance Number
Did you file a self-assessment?
Were you a UK resident when you sold the property?
Property Information - PURCHASE
Type of property you sold
Phone Number
Unique Tax Reference Number
What was your country of residence when the property was sold?
< AMEND Property Purchase
How did you get the property?
Address of the property you sold
When did you buy your property?
Owner 1
How much of the property did you own
Improvement costs (your share only)
How much did you buy your property or your share of the property?
Additional costs you paid when you got the property (your share only)
Owner 2
(if any)
How much of the property did you own
Improvement costs (your share only)
Property Information - DISPOSAL
How did you dispose of the property ?
When was the completion date?
Owner 1
How much did you sell your share of the property?
Do you have any losses you want to carry over from previous years?
What will be your expected gross income in the tax year of disposal?
How much did you buy your property or your share of the property?
Additional costs you paid when you got the property (your share only)
< AMEND Property Disposal
When did you exchange contract?
How many months have you rented out the property?
Additional costs you paid when you sold the property (your share only)
Do you have any losses in the current year?
Have any amounts in this form been estimated?
Owner 2
(if any)
How much did you sell your share of the property?
Do you have any losses you want to carry over from previous years?
Additional costs you paid when you sold the property (your share only)
Do you have any losses in the current year?
What will be your expected gross income in the tax year of disposal?
Have any amounts in this form been estimated?
Do you want to leave any comments?
By ticking his box, I agree Actarus Services Ltd to prepare HMRC form to report the sell of a property.
Select your payment:
One property owner - £199
Property jointly owned - £249
Thanks for submitting!
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